Classroom Reveal 2016!

I can't believe my last post was August 16!  I had all these grand plans of posts I would do about getting ready for the new year.  But then I walk in my classroom, and all plans go out the window!  I did two things this year which did save me a lot of time though.  One, I covered my bulletin boards from last year and reused all of them except one.  That saved me at least one whole day.  Two, I had several of my students from last year come in and help me arrange my library books and loads of other stuff.  They were a huge help!  Even so, I always find a thousand things that I need to do.  The time gets away from me and other things get pushed aside, like blog posts.  So, the first day of school is tomorrow, which is the perfect time for my classroom reveal!

Thanks for taking the tour!  I hope you have a wonderful school year!

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