I just checked a HUGE thing off my summer to-do list! I mean, I had doubts that I would ever get this project done, but I did it! I feel like dancing...
As some of you know, I have lesson plans and student packets for 5th grade Social Studies that I share with people for free. (If you didn't know, but would like to, you can read about it HERE!).
Well, I have gotten some requests to create those same materials for 4th grade, and this was the summer I decided to give it a go! I actually found it very interesting to go through the units and learn how they build a base for what I will be teaching in 5th grade Social Studies.
There are six units for the entire 4th grade year: Foundations in Social Studies, The United States in Spatial Terms, Human Geography in the United States, Exploring Economics, Our Federal Government, and Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship. Here is a peek at the packet from Unit 3: Human Geography in the United States...
This isn't even half of this enormous 85-page packet! Some of the plans and packets do have a few pages that focus on Michigan, since 4th graders in Michigan were supposed to learn about Michigan history in 3rd grade. If you are a teacher outside of Michigan, you may choose to skip those activities or supplement with things from your state. One of the great things about these units is that no textbook is necessary!
So, if you would like the 4th grade packets and lesson plans that will last you for an entire year, please follow my blog by clicking on the Bloglovin' button (pictured below) which is near the top of my blog page on the right hand side...
and follow my TPT Store (the logo below will take you there)...
and then email your follower numbers to me at ryesteph@aol.com and let me know you would like all the materials. Be sure to put 4th grade Social Studies materials as the subject, and I'll be happy to share them with you! By emailing me, you are also agreeing to receive future newsletters that will let you know about other freebie offers, special sales, new blog posts and more!
I have created teacher resource sets to go along with each of these units as well. They include a variety of materials such as vocabulary flashcards, games, and quizzes, worksheets, and student resource sheets, just to name a few. Here's a peek at one of my sets for the Human Geography in the United States unit.
I also have a 4th Grade Social Studies Teacher Resources Bundle that gets you all the resources for the entire year at a discount!
You can check it out at my TPT Store!
Plus, for the next two days...
everything in my store is on sale!

I don't have any other exciting Made Its this week, since Made It #1 has consumed all my waking hours! But I did find a little time last night to make Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars with Chocolate Chips (though I substituted the chocolate for butterscotch) from SouthernFood.about.com. They turned out yummy! Don't know where I get my sweet tooth from...

My 3rd Made It is more of a "Gonna Make It". I did a little consignment shop hunting with my husband and my folks up north a couple weekends ago. I literally said...I need some kind of small book rack to go on top of my back counter for my recommended reads section. I'd love one that turns!...When lo and behold, Timm spots this...
It's no beauty right now, that's for sure, but it was dirt cheap and I love a makeover! Be sure to check back and see how it turns out! And take a look at all the other Monday Made Its at 4th Grade Frolics!
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