I made these brownies less than 24 hours ago, seriously?! That's what happens when there's an 18 year old boy in the house.
They are the best gluten free brownies ever! Move over Betty Crocker, these beat your gluten free brownies by a mile, and I found them at Sam's Club for a really good price.
Well, we've made it to November and we still aren't moved in to the house! We had the moving truck reserved and ready to go last Friday, which was perfect since I had the day off due to conferences, but to no avail. We continue to wait for all the inspections to be complete. My poor parents probably feel like we are never going to leave! We stopped by the house tonight and dropped off the new toaster that was in my car, so I momentarily felt like I was moving in. Can't wait to make brownies in my own kitchen!

Bonny made it home Friday night so we could go to the Wings game together. She had to spend a little time getting some love from Ozzie who just happens to be named after a former Red Wing goaltender, Chris Osgood.

This fall I made a book conference sign up board so my students could sign up without interrupting me when I'm talking to another student. I used to just jot them on a sticky note, but I have far too many lists on sticky notes as it is.
You can make one for yourself by downloading my Editable Book Conference Board at my TPT Store for free!

My last Made It is my "Wonder" Common Core Unit Student Exit Slips. I created these to use with each lesson of the common core unit and to help prepare my students for the assessment they would be taking at the end. They are a great way to do a quick check of the class.
You can find these at my TPT Store along with my "Wonder" Common Core Unit Student Packet, Learning Target Mini Posters, and Assessment.
I also have one of my favorite new products in The Pioneer Teacher's $20K Giveaway. It's my Camp Read-A-Lot Reading Journal and 40 Book Challenge Bundle.
The giveaway has three different prize packages with almost 50 prizes all together! The giveaway is running from November 10-14. Make sure you stop by The Pioneer Teacher to enter!
Also, be sure to check out all the other Monday Made Its at 4th Grade Frolics!
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